Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In Class Assignment B

Okay critique for this picture!

The picture is set in the middle of a forest in Pandora (the name of the planet). The Na'vi is the indigenous tribe that resides in Pandora. They are a group of blue-skinned people with big yellow eyes as depicted in the poster above.

The character is placed in the middle of the picture, not following any rule of thirds. Perhaps, it is done in such a way so as to capture the attention of the viewers.

Basically, this picture is an obvious attempt by McDonald to advertise their company along with the latest "Avatar" trend. The character that they used is the main protagonist of the movie(not quite, the face was superimposed on. But the body definitely belongs to the protagonist of the movie).

However, the poster succeeded in creating an adventurous atmosphere. It makes people curious to see what McDonald has to offer.

I would say that the blending of the picture was not very well done. Compared to the movie where the characters' skin are mostly blue in colour, this picture shows too much white around the face area.

On the other hand, as the poster certainly does capture the viewer's attention immediately, it has succeeded its purpose for advertising.

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