Monday, February 1, 2010

Assignment 1 CG Version 1

I wonder why I always update this blog at such ungodly timings. I should be sleeping and dreaming of my BMW 3 Series convertible. >.< Dream car, I've been thinking about it ever since I saw a BMW sports last night after the Amit Live Concert.

So, I was working on the CG version of assignment today. Spent a total of 14 hours on the computer. Seriously. At this rate, I will be blind by the age of 35.

I am quite upset at how the CG version turned out. I really wanted to texture the ship exterior but I don't know how to do it. I definitely need more time to explore Illustrator. It's my first attempt on Illustrator so it took me quite long to get the hang of it. The colouring almost took my life. I had to settle for solid fills. I will improve on the colouring and perhaps add some shading to it during recess week.

One thing that has been bugging me for this CG version is that my name is clearly not distinct enough. I had purposely bold the objects that spelled my names. If you look at it close enough, the anchor shows 'J' while the house on the ship shows an 'E' but with the orientation of a M instead (I couldn't think of a way to portray E). Hope that is fine. Next, the letters SS are the ropes that are hanging from the main mast. The mast is 'I', while the watch tower is an inverted 'C'. 'A' as you can see is at the top of the mast. >.<

I hope this doesn't fall under the grey area. I spent way too much time on this assignment, so much so that I'm neglecting my other modules. Pretty please let this be okay. =X

To end off, let me share with you my dream car.

It's not in the colour that I want though. But nonetheless, it still looks awesomely hot. =D

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