Saturday, February 6, 2010

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 is here!

This time round, we were asked to create a pictogram that can be used at any location of our choice. I was quite stumped as to what I should do. I wanted something unique and new. Initially I had wanted to do a "no fighting" sign but I couldn't find a nice enough photo to create the pictogram. Thus, I resorted to ask my friends for ideas.

Everybody started throwing ideas and since they, being computing students, they naturally they came up with computer/gaming related ideas. The guys wanted a "no back-stabbing" sign but for them, their idea of "back-stabbing" was in gaming terms. I, on the other hand, got quite intrigued by the idea for I was thinking along the line of "back-stabbing" between friends and colleagues. And TA-DA! I found just the right picture from the internet and started working on it.

The pictogram can be placed at any location. Be it in offices, schools or even gaming centers! =))

It's incomplete as I have yet to find time to work on it. Workload is insanely huge for me this semester. I'll try to work on it once I find the time. Shall not let the workload pile up any further. Which reminds me, I have yet to edit assignment 1. No!!! >.<

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