Saturday, January 30, 2010

Assignment 1 - The 4 sketches + 2 roughs

Anneonghaseyo (it means hello in korean)!

The Korean module really takes up a lot of my time. Struggling with the new language and the workload of other modules. I think 24 hours a day is not enough!

I have completed the 4 sketches and the 2 required roughs long before tutorial class last week. However, when I saw everyone's work on Monday, I decided not to show my 2 roughs to the class as I felt embarrassed by it. >.<

So here goes:

Basically, these 4 sketches are based on my personality as well as my likes.

The cake at the top left shows my love for cakes and baking. I attempted baking several times but due to the lack of oven space, I was never able to bake a big cake. So this picture sort of shows the type of cake I hope to bake.

The picture on the top right was suggested to me by my friend when I asked him for ideas. The first thing that came to his mind was the UFO catcher. I have to admit that I have got a bad addiction to UFO catchers. I deliberately integrated my names into the toys (although not very well done).

Shoes especially sneakers are my love. I have a very bad habit of buying sneakers when I am traveling overseas as well. Another expensive hobby of mine. Honestly, someone should just lock me up at home.

The last picture, bottom right, is my favourite. I love to travel a lot and as I have mentioned, I daydream a lot. That's why I added wings to the ship, it represented some sort of a dreamy atmosphere. I chose to draw a ship instead of a plane because I feel that it adds a more adventurous feel to the ship. So the story for the picture was basically this:

The ship represents me, an adventurous traveler with a sweet tooth who ventures around in search for delicious cakes and desserts.

Thus, I tried to improve on the last sketch. The resulting look was this:

Like I said, I wasn't too happy with the roughs so I am currently working on it to improve the ship. I am trying to integrate my name into the ship as well. I hope it works. The initial plan was to morph my names into planks and make it look like its popping out of the ship. You know, the 3D kind of feel. But I was afraid it might fall into the gray area, so I am trying very hard to integrate my name into the ship instead. No easy feat I must say.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In Class Assignment B

Okay critique for this picture!

The picture is set in the middle of a forest in Pandora (the name of the planet). The Na'vi is the indigenous tribe that resides in Pandora. They are a group of blue-skinned people with big yellow eyes as depicted in the poster above.

The character is placed in the middle of the picture, not following any rule of thirds. Perhaps, it is done in such a way so as to capture the attention of the viewers.

Basically, this picture is an obvious attempt by McDonald to advertise their company along with the latest "Avatar" trend. The character that they used is the main protagonist of the movie(not quite, the face was superimposed on. But the body definitely belongs to the protagonist of the movie).

However, the poster succeeded in creating an adventurous atmosphere. It makes people curious to see what McDonald has to offer.

I would say that the blending of the picture was not very well done. Compared to the movie where the characters' skin are mostly blue in colour, this picture shows too much white around the face area.

On the other hand, as the poster certainly does capture the viewer's attention immediately, it has succeeded its purpose for advertising.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In Class Exercise A


The first post of this blog and I expect many more posts to flood this blog. In fact, the number of posts here (in the future) may very well exceed the number of posts I had for my own personal blog (which I started a few years back). That pretty much tells you how diligent I have been on blogging. >.<

So yes, back to the main topic. My very first assignment given on the first lecture of a brand new year! We were asked to design a machine/device that will enhance our creativity by 100 times. I have to admit that I am someone with almost zero creativity, so the device/machine definitely has to be something that will provide me with some inspiration. Thus, I came up with this:

Yes, you got that right. I named it the "Friendly Rubbish Separator" (Did I mention that I am boring too? Hahaha). Well, I came up with this idea because not too long ago, I went to Taiwan and the Taiwanese are quite particular about recycling. Hence, I wanted to come up with a machine that is closely related to recycling and that's how Mr. Friendly Rubbish Separator was born (Let's call it FRS, the name is so long that it became such a chore to type it over and over again).

Basically Mr. FRS here is a walking/eating/talking robot. He walks around grabbing objects off the ground with his two little hands, puts the object to the eye and scans for its chemical and colour composition. After which, the data is transmitted to his central system and he then proceeds to eat the object. After the object enters the body, all recyclable compositions go into the relevant compartments. The non-recyclable compositions will then be sorted into different colour groups. If creativity advice is needed from Mr. FRS, simply click on a button at the back of Mr. FRS and he will offer ideas based on the colour compositions that he has. That's not all, if verbal tips are not enough, Mr. FRS's eyes are able to project images on surfaces, giving visual tips as well! Furthermore, those coloured materials sorted earlier can also be used for art work!

Yup so that's the idea I got for the creativity machine. Super unrealistic but hey, as the blog address suggests, I am a day dreamer. =))