Saturday, April 10, 2010

In Class Exercise E

I think this is tough. Create talking forms from restricted words. I tried and since I can't draw, this is the best that I could come up with. >.<

I wanted to portray speed in the form of a moving vehicle. But since we are restricted to only basic shapes, that was the best that I could come up with.

As for the energetic part. I had the mentality set on star outburst. Hence it has these sharp edges. To signify a bursting out expression. =)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Group Project - Final Update

Alrights! The final update on the group project. We finally sent it for printing after scouting the whole Sunshine Plaza/Peace Centre/Bras Braseh Complex area. We decided to print it at PrintSmith, a shop in Sunshine Plaza. Somehow their service attitude impressed us.

The book costs a whopping $40 to print! But it came out close to perfect. There are some minor spelling errors in the book as we saved the wrong file. >.< After 2 weeks of torturous slogging for the project, we finally saw the fruit of our labor! Of course, the majority of the credit goes to our artist, Miss Huiyun Zhang. Haha.

I forgot to take a picture of the book before submitting it to the teacher. So this will just be a wordy update. Basically, I've uploaded parts of the book in the past few entries.

We merely added some special features such as a mini dictionary for the kids on some of the difficult words we used, 3 coloring pages for the kids to have a bigger sense of attachment to the book and a page of tips to a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Haha.

And that concludes our 2 weeks of hard work! Good job people! =)

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Assignment 5 - Infographics

This is by far, the hardest assignment of them all.

An infographic on fighting climate changes. There are only that few measures we could take. Everyone would probably think along that line too. Energy conservation, deforestation and global warming. In the end, I decided to go along with the issue on deforestation.

Some of the online sources which I took my information from:

The rough placing of how the information should be placed:

Basically, I tried to show how trees contributed to a greener environment. On how it reduces the emission of carbon dioxide gases. I have also tried to include several tips to save the trees, such as recycling papers, newspapers and paper bags. Saying no to deforestation.

After coloring it, this is what it looks like. It somehow feels more like poster rather than an infographic! But I tried my best! >.<

Should I use a lighter color for the background? I chose green because I thought it would tie in with my tree-based infographics better.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Group Project - Colored Product

Coloring is tedious tedious work! I tried to help out with the coloring and it turned out looking pretty childish. During the group consultation with Siti, she could tell immediately that they are colored by 2 different people! So we had no choice but to let Huiyun do the coloring alone. >.<

Yes yes, some sneaks!

We have decided to use pastel colors because it is easier to blend and somehow kids make some sort of a personal connection with pastel colors. =) We are out to win the hearts of the kids by trying to think in their perspective.

The layout that we used are based on what we have discussed together. Melissa came up with great graphical representation.

We have decided to use the font "LaCartoonerie" because it looks somewhat like a kid's handwriting and it is legible. =)

One step closer to printing! I can't wait to see the finished product. Hee

Saturday, March 27, 2010

In Class Exercise C

Something which we did in class. The scanner is down so I had to resort to using my phone's camera to take a picture of the drawing. Sorry for the bad quality!

So basically, we need to come up with an Iconic and Indexic representation of any object. In my case, I have chosen a telephone. =)

Iconic Diagram:

Indexic Diagram:

I tried to brighten the picture in Photoshop and somehow it has this colorful effect on the picture. Can't seem to get rid of it. >.<

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Group Project - Sketches

Whee! The sketches are out and traced! Take a look!

Huiyun is awesome! LOL

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Group Project - Storyline

After discussing with my group mates, we decided that we should do a children storybook, as it would perhaps be easier than a comic strip. Boy, were we so wrong.

Drawing wise, it might be easier, for the drawings does not have to be so precise, unlike a comic strip. However, language wise, it was painful! The numbers of words which we cannot use as it is deemed to be too difficult for kids. We have to be extra cautious with the message that we are trying to convey too. So as a writer for the storybook. It had been a tough time for us. My friend and I had to travel down to a bookstore, just to research on the English standards of kids between 7 to 9 years old!

In the end, after many many revisions of the original storyline, here is the finalised storyline(the page numbers of the storybook is represented by the numbers on the left):

Story Sequence

1. Jerry is a young inventor. Every morning, Jerry rides his space scooter to his school at Schooltopia. Each day after school, Jerry would rush back to home in planet Technoville.

2. Technoville is a small planet which relies heavily on advanced technology. The people in Technoville grew up with many interesting gadgets. Some of these gadgets help them with their work and some provide entertainment for them. The people in Technoville, especially children, keep their gadgets very close by their side.

3. Jerry owns many gadgets. He enjoys playing with them and spends most of his time reading books, trying to invent more interesting gadgets.Xeno, a robot which does his homework for him, is his favourite and proudest invention.

4. Jerry often sleeps late due to his obsession with working on his inventions.
Sometimes, his classmates may not even see him in school for days!

5. Occasionally, Jerry’s classmates would invite Jerry out for lunch.
However, he would always say “No, thank you” and walk away. Whenever his classmates ask him to join them for a game, Jerry would always say “Maybe tomorrow, maybe tomorrow”.

6. One night, when Jerry was working on his newest invention, all the lights went out suddenly. Jerry panicked. He looked out of this window and the streets were dark. He tried switching on his gadgets and none of them could work. “OH NO! Technoville is experiencing a power failure!” Jerry wailed.

7. Seconds ticked by and it felt like hours to Jerry. He felt lost. “What am I going to do without my gadgets,” Jerry thought out loud. Then he started to cry.

8. Jerry heard a knock on his door. He looked up and saw a stream of light coming from the sides of his door. Jerry was confused. He was sure that none of the lamps were working. There should not be any light.

9. Jerry rushed to open the door. A girl stood at the doorway, holding a strange illuminated object. The girl looked vaguely familiar. “Are you from my class? Li…nux? What is it that you are holding?” Jerry asked timidly

10. “This is a candle,” Linux smiled and said. Linux passed Jerry a candle and asked, “Are you okay?” Jerry tried to hold back his tears, shook his head and sat down in his room. Linux then sat next to Jerry.

11. Both Jerry and Linux had much fun talking about themselves and the night passed in a blink of an eye. The next morning, as a form of thanking Linux, Jerry made her a robot dog.

12. Linux accepted the gift with delight. “Thank you,” she said with a smile.
Linux then introduced her friends to Jerry and invited him to join them in a space scooter race.

13. In the beginning, Jerry was a little nervous and shy around Linux’s friends. But as he had so much fun on his space scooter with them, he began to feel less shy.
After the race, Jerry took some of his inventions and shared it amongst his new friends. They were impressed by Jerry’s inventions and loved his cool gadgets.

14. Jerry soon became good friends with all of them. From then on, Jerry was no longer the lonely boy that he was before. Instead of rushing home after school, Jerry would meet up with his friends to study and play together. Jerry became a happier boy, one with both gadgets and friends.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Assignment 4 - Color Coalition

It's color coalition! This assignment, we are asked to explore different colors schemes such that it brings out the elements which we are trying to portray. I painstakingly came out with 12. Here goes!

I liked a number of them actually. But in the end, I decided to go along with a more colorful postcard, as the youth event which I've chosen is a dance event. So I feel that the colors for the postcard could be both bold and loud.

This is what I chose. =))

As for the back of the postcard, I decided to go with a slightly more plain design so that reading and writing will be slightly easier.

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Assignment 3 - Photo Story Narrative

This time, I shall let the pictures do the story telling. Perhaps it is a thousand times better than my sketch. >.<

Do you know what I'm trying to show now?

Basically, this photo story is about this girl who fell and her books scattered all over the floor. Just then, a guy came to help her out and they hit it off as friends immediately.

The girl excitedly introduced her new found friend to her friends and wanted them to take a photo for them. However, in reality, her friends didn't see anyone there. So they were quite confused when she was all excited and hyped up. But they went along and took a picture for her. Turns out, when the picture is developed, there really isn't anyone standing next to her. Is the guy really a fiction of her imagination or is it something else?

Hmmmm. Hahaha. So yes, anyway, I have incorporated a variety of different shots, such as the over the shoulder shot, point of view shot, medium shot and last but not least, a split screen effect to portray a simultaneous shot.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Assignment 3 - Sketches

Assignments after assignments! There is no end to this! Haha

So while I was stoning in my seat, I got a sudden inspiration on my photo story. Thus, I had to sketch it out as soon as I can. Initially, I had sketched them on a crappy piece of paper. But as the paper was really crappy, I had to re-sketch it again. So to save me more trouble, I had them sketched directly on my drawing tablet instead.

Yes yes, I know I can't draw. But do you get the idea of the photo story?

I shall let the suspense linger. Will reveal the plot in my next entry. =))


Saturday, February 20, 2010

Assignment 2 Final Prototype

Yay! I finally found some time to complete my pictogram!

I really liked the "No backstabbing" idea. To me, I think hypocrisy is perhaps the most common trait that you will see in our everyday lives. Be it in offices, schools, or anywhere on Earth that humans can be found! I know it's sad to view the world this way, but you got to admit that it's true.

Back to the topic, I have finally finished the development process of the pictogram. Made a few changes once again to simplify the picture further. I zoomed into the pictures such that there are more emphasis on the stabbing action. Here it is:

I have chosen the 5th work as my final pictogram prototype. And this is what it looks like.

I thought it looks pretty cute. Haha. As for the placement location. It could be anywhere but as I forgot to bring my camera, I decided to use my own picture instead. >.< Quite shy to show it actually, but oh wells.

How is it?

Friday, February 12, 2010

Assignment 1 Final Prototype

Okay, based on the feedback given by my tutorial classmates and my tutor. I have made several changes to my flying ship.

Firstly, I have changed the orientation of the E. Initially it was orientated in the shape of a M. I had to change the design of the windows such that it looks an E instead. Hopefully it is good enough.

I have also recolored the design because many complained that the purple cupcake house was too prominent. In fact, it overshadowed the flying ship, which was supposed to be the main focus of the design. >.< So this time round, I chose duller colors for the side props and removed the ship's propeller for it is too cluttered in that particular area.

Oh yes! I have also attempted shading. Honestly, I admire those who can shade. I just can't seem to place the light and shadows.

So yup, here is my final prototype:

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

In Class Exercise D

Medium Wide Shot of the projector screen and clock

Medium Close Up shot of the clock to show some emphasis

A Close Up Shot

An Over The Shoulder shot

Medium Shot

Can you see the story behind these pictures? We tried to come up with a story so that it wouldn't be just plain photo-taking. >.<

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Assignment 2

Assignment 2 is here!

This time round, we were asked to create a pictogram that can be used at any location of our choice. I was quite stumped as to what I should do. I wanted something unique and new. Initially I had wanted to do a "no fighting" sign but I couldn't find a nice enough photo to create the pictogram. Thus, I resorted to ask my friends for ideas.

Everybody started throwing ideas and since they, being computing students, they naturally they came up with computer/gaming related ideas. The guys wanted a "no back-stabbing" sign but for them, their idea of "back-stabbing" was in gaming terms. I, on the other hand, got quite intrigued by the idea for I was thinking along the line of "back-stabbing" between friends and colleagues. And TA-DA! I found just the right picture from the internet and started working on it.

The pictogram can be placed at any location. Be it in offices, schools or even gaming centers! =))

It's incomplete as I have yet to find time to work on it. Workload is insanely huge for me this semester. I'll try to work on it once I find the time. Shall not let the workload pile up any further. Which reminds me, I have yet to edit assignment 1. No!!! >.<

Monday, February 1, 2010

Assignment 1 CG Version 1

I wonder why I always update this blog at such ungodly timings. I should be sleeping and dreaming of my BMW 3 Series convertible. >.< Dream car, I've been thinking about it ever since I saw a BMW sports last night after the Amit Live Concert.

So, I was working on the CG version of assignment today. Spent a total of 14 hours on the computer. Seriously. At this rate, I will be blind by the age of 35.

I am quite upset at how the CG version turned out. I really wanted to texture the ship exterior but I don't know how to do it. I definitely need more time to explore Illustrator. It's my first attempt on Illustrator so it took me quite long to get the hang of it. The colouring almost took my life. I had to settle for solid fills. I will improve on the colouring and perhaps add some shading to it during recess week.

One thing that has been bugging me for this CG version is that my name is clearly not distinct enough. I had purposely bold the objects that spelled my names. If you look at it close enough, the anchor shows 'J' while the house on the ship shows an 'E' but with the orientation of a M instead (I couldn't think of a way to portray E). Hope that is fine. Next, the letters SS are the ropes that are hanging from the main mast. The mast is 'I', while the watch tower is an inverted 'C'. 'A' as you can see is at the top of the mast. >.<

I hope this doesn't fall under the grey area. I spent way too much time on this assignment, so much so that I'm neglecting my other modules. Pretty please let this be okay. =X

To end off, let me share with you my dream car.

It's not in the colour that I want though. But nonetheless, it still looks awesomely hot. =D

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Assignment 1 - The 4 sketches + 2 roughs

Anneonghaseyo (it means hello in korean)!

The Korean module really takes up a lot of my time. Struggling with the new language and the workload of other modules. I think 24 hours a day is not enough!

I have completed the 4 sketches and the 2 required roughs long before tutorial class last week. However, when I saw everyone's work on Monday, I decided not to show my 2 roughs to the class as I felt embarrassed by it. >.<

So here goes:

Basically, these 4 sketches are based on my personality as well as my likes.

The cake at the top left shows my love for cakes and baking. I attempted baking several times but due to the lack of oven space, I was never able to bake a big cake. So this picture sort of shows the type of cake I hope to bake.

The picture on the top right was suggested to me by my friend when I asked him for ideas. The first thing that came to his mind was the UFO catcher. I have to admit that I have got a bad addiction to UFO catchers. I deliberately integrated my names into the toys (although not very well done).

Shoes especially sneakers are my love. I have a very bad habit of buying sneakers when I am traveling overseas as well. Another expensive hobby of mine. Honestly, someone should just lock me up at home.

The last picture, bottom right, is my favourite. I love to travel a lot and as I have mentioned, I daydream a lot. That's why I added wings to the ship, it represented some sort of a dreamy atmosphere. I chose to draw a ship instead of a plane because I feel that it adds a more adventurous feel to the ship. So the story for the picture was basically this:

The ship represents me, an adventurous traveler with a sweet tooth who ventures around in search for delicious cakes and desserts.

Thus, I tried to improve on the last sketch. The resulting look was this:

Like I said, I wasn't too happy with the roughs so I am currently working on it to improve the ship. I am trying to integrate my name into the ship as well. I hope it works. The initial plan was to morph my names into planks and make it look like its popping out of the ship. You know, the 3D kind of feel. But I was afraid it might fall into the gray area, so I am trying very hard to integrate my name into the ship instead. No easy feat I must say.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In Class Assignment B

Okay critique for this picture!

The picture is set in the middle of a forest in Pandora (the name of the planet). The Na'vi is the indigenous tribe that resides in Pandora. They are a group of blue-skinned people with big yellow eyes as depicted in the poster above.

The character is placed in the middle of the picture, not following any rule of thirds. Perhaps, it is done in such a way so as to capture the attention of the viewers.

Basically, this picture is an obvious attempt by McDonald to advertise their company along with the latest "Avatar" trend. The character that they used is the main protagonist of the movie(not quite, the face was superimposed on. But the body definitely belongs to the protagonist of the movie).

However, the poster succeeded in creating an adventurous atmosphere. It makes people curious to see what McDonald has to offer.

I would say that the blending of the picture was not very well done. Compared to the movie where the characters' skin are mostly blue in colour, this picture shows too much white around the face area.

On the other hand, as the poster certainly does capture the viewer's attention immediately, it has succeeded its purpose for advertising.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

In Class Exercise A


The first post of this blog and I expect many more posts to flood this blog. In fact, the number of posts here (in the future) may very well exceed the number of posts I had for my own personal blog (which I started a few years back). That pretty much tells you how diligent I have been on blogging. >.<

So yes, back to the main topic. My very first assignment given on the first lecture of a brand new year! We were asked to design a machine/device that will enhance our creativity by 100 times. I have to admit that I am someone with almost zero creativity, so the device/machine definitely has to be something that will provide me with some inspiration. Thus, I came up with this:

Yes, you got that right. I named it the "Friendly Rubbish Separator" (Did I mention that I am boring too? Hahaha). Well, I came up with this idea because not too long ago, I went to Taiwan and the Taiwanese are quite particular about recycling. Hence, I wanted to come up with a machine that is closely related to recycling and that's how Mr. Friendly Rubbish Separator was born (Let's call it FRS, the name is so long that it became such a chore to type it over and over again).

Basically Mr. FRS here is a walking/eating/talking robot. He walks around grabbing objects off the ground with his two little hands, puts the object to the eye and scans for its chemical and colour composition. After which, the data is transmitted to his central system and he then proceeds to eat the object. After the object enters the body, all recyclable compositions go into the relevant compartments. The non-recyclable compositions will then be sorted into different colour groups. If creativity advice is needed from Mr. FRS, simply click on a button at the back of Mr. FRS and he will offer ideas based on the colour compositions that he has. That's not all, if verbal tips are not enough, Mr. FRS's eyes are able to project images on surfaces, giving visual tips as well! Furthermore, those coloured materials sorted earlier can also be used for art work!

Yup so that's the idea I got for the creativity machine. Super unrealistic but hey, as the blog address suggests, I am a day dreamer. =))