Saturday, February 20, 2010

Assignment 2 Final Prototype

Yay! I finally found some time to complete my pictogram!

I really liked the "No backstabbing" idea. To me, I think hypocrisy is perhaps the most common trait that you will see in our everyday lives. Be it in offices, schools, or anywhere on Earth that humans can be found! I know it's sad to view the world this way, but you got to admit that it's true.

Back to the topic, I have finally finished the development process of the pictogram. Made a few changes once again to simplify the picture further. I zoomed into the pictures such that there are more emphasis on the stabbing action. Here it is:

I have chosen the 5th work as my final pictogram prototype. And this is what it looks like.

I thought it looks pretty cute. Haha. As for the placement location. It could be anywhere but as I forgot to bring my camera, I decided to use my own picture instead. >.< Quite shy to show it actually, but oh wells.

How is it?

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