Sunday, February 28, 2010

Assignment 3 - Photo Story Narrative

This time, I shall let the pictures do the story telling. Perhaps it is a thousand times better than my sketch. >.<

Do you know what I'm trying to show now?

Basically, this photo story is about this girl who fell and her books scattered all over the floor. Just then, a guy came to help her out and they hit it off as friends immediately.

The girl excitedly introduced her new found friend to her friends and wanted them to take a photo for them. However, in reality, her friends didn't see anyone there. So they were quite confused when she was all excited and hyped up. But they went along and took a picture for her. Turns out, when the picture is developed, there really isn't anyone standing next to her. Is the guy really a fiction of her imagination or is it something else?

Hmmmm. Hahaha. So yes, anyway, I have incorporated a variety of different shots, such as the over the shoulder shot, point of view shot, medium shot and last but not least, a split screen effect to portray a simultaneous shot.

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